Our complete package of processing equipment
COP26 – Net Zero – additional Climate Finance is being made available to developing Nations to combat Global Warming, Climate Change Adaption & Food security.
Interested clients and customers interested in our equipment should make an application to us for funding.

Once Cassava (Gari) has been grown, much of the crop gets wasted due to the roots rotting and slow & inefficient processing. Once the roots have been harvested then a quick and efficient processing by our new peelers, graters, our Solar Powered Hammer Mill, Dewatering press and Dryer designed by the University of Greenwich – NRI all help to reduce crop loss. Current peeling of Cassava roots. An NRI Peeler can be used to speed this process up.

The Hammer Mill speeds up processing to produce the Cassava Mash. The fully processed cassava into Flour. The equipment can be powered by our Solar PV panels.

The pressed mash is then dried. This Dryer designed by NRI is a very important bit of equipment as it can help resolve health issues of workers and also have less environmental impact. The fully processed cassava into Flour by equipment powered by Solar PV.
Grating is usually done with a rotary drum grater (USD 1,500). Dewatering is usually done with a screw-operated press (USD 1,000) or a jack-operated press (USD 1,500). Pulverizing is done with the same rotary drum grater, used to grate the cassava. Drying is done in a pneumatic dryer (USD 7,500) or a flatbed dryer (USD 3,500). Milling is done with a hammer mill (USD 4,000).
Please contact us if you have a need for the equipment and we will try to provide a funding package as part of the President of Ghana’s “One District – One Factory” programme. It is hoped that the $26,000 cost of the equipment and solar power needed to process Cassava could be made from profits from possible Solar Farms or Solar Mini-Grids in Ghana – this is an ongoing project for development.
Our equipment is made by Food Products Enterprises in ACCRA, GHANA- NRI – Natural Resources Institute at the University of Greenwich is the lead Technical partner on this Cassava Flour project. Cassava starch is a very different product from cassava flour and the equipment and steps needed to produce them are distinct – please make contact with your enquiry.

PROJECT TITLE Design and Development of direct-coupled photovoltaic powered agri-processing machinery.
Project Monitoring Office Dr Adele Carter
NRI – Dr Aditya Parmar & Dr Marcelo Precoppe
Technical Lead – Natural Resources Institute – NRI, University of Greenwich “NRI” whose registered office is at Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB. UK
Please contact us…..
If you have a need of the Cassava processing equipment then please make contact with us and discuss you your requirements.